Boulder County

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Boulder Valley approves $576M bond issue

The Boulder Valley school board Tuesday night unanimously approved a project list and ballot question to ask voters in November for a $576.5 million … [...]

Colorado Hometown Weekly voluntary pay campaign under way

If you make your home in East Boulder County, Colorado Hometown Weekly is your hometown newspaper. Whether it’s reporting on the latest city … [...]

Lockheed Martin Corp. Sells 171000-Square-Foot Campus In Boulder for $13.9 Million

According to the Boulder County Business Report, Dallas-based real estate investment firm Macfarlan Capital Partners purchased the property for … [...]

Boulder County to buy conservation easement over Superior open space parcel

Boulder County will spend $125,800 buying a conservation easement to prevent any future development on a 6.37-acre property the Town of Superior … [...]

Eye Bank and Boulder County Coroner Sign Agreement

DENVER, CO–(Marketwired – August 12, 2014) – The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank (RMLEB) and the Boulder County Coroner have signed an … [...]

Boulder County to ask voters’ OK of flood recovery and safety-net taxes

Boulder County voters will be asked this fall to authorize to collect a new 0.185 percent sales and use tax to help fund county government’s flood … [...]

Rocky Hill: Shutting down exhibit wrong decision

The Boulder Commissioner’s Office, though, thinks it’s an emotional … of persons in Boulder County “uncomfortable” and prompts some Boulder … [...]

New brewery headed to downtown Longmont

Ted Risk said Tuesday that he and business partner Ryan Wibby are just days away from inking a lease on an 8,000-square-foot space in downtown … [...]

Coroner ID’s victim in Boulder Canyon motorcycle crash as Daniel McCarty of Nederland

The Boulder County Coroner’s Office has identified the man killed in a motorcycle crash near Barker Dam in Boulder Canyon on Friday as Daniel … [...]

One AMAZING Colorado Sunset – Time Lapse Video 7.24.2014

Day in the life of a storm catcher, . While out keeping an eye on the sky… it lit up to our surprise… we had to scramble to get a good spot. North East Boulder County Colorado, this calm pond caught my eye but had a view objects in the way of the view and had to settle for this composition. [...] [...]