Boulder County

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August 2014
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Longmont woman opening storefront to sell her all-natural cosmetics

Fans of all-natural cosmetics will soon be able to go into a store to buy Cindy Jones’ products, called Colorado Aromatics, rather than pick them up at the Boulder County Farmers Market, buy them online or have to track them down at one of the stores … [...]

Longmont woman opening storefront to sell her all-natural cosmetics

Moving to Boulder County has been a great fit for her personally and professionally, she said. Revenue at Sagescript Institute, which is the parent … [...]

Police: Suspect Found With Basket Of Stolen Women’s Clothing

The man was arrested on criminal trespassing and possession of drug paraphernalia charges and taken to the Boulder County Jail. He was released … [...]

Boulder police: Drowning victim’s debit card used after his death

Police continue to investigate his death, but the Boulder County Coroner’s Office ruled earlier this month that Bolen, a Michigan native, was the victim … [...]

Ronald Eugene Noel (Boulder County Sheriff’s Office)

A sexually violent predator who has completed his sentence for a sexual abuse conviction in Oregon has registered with the Boulder County Sheriff’s … [...]

Boulder police: Drowning victim’s debit card used in Iowa after his death

Police have continued to investigate his death, but the Boulder County Coroner’s office has ruled the Michigan man was the victim of an accidental … [...]

Bubonic plague found in Colorado fleas

Colorado health officials have issued a warning to Boulder County residents after bubonic plague was found in fleas taken from a prairie dog. [...]

Lafayette group files motion to block oil and gas industry’s lawsuit, enforce local fracking ban

The motion, filed Tuesday in Boulder County District Court, is part of a class-action lawsuit against the state and oil and gas industry. In November, 60 … [...]

Looking Deep Into The Night

View looking upward through the pine trees from the middle of the Roosevelt National Forest in the Indian Peak Wilderness to the Milky Way above in the midnight Sky. [...] [...]

Missing woman’s remains found

Once officials were convinced about the remains, Grand County Coroner … The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office described the terrain as rough, steep … [...]