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October 2014
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America isn’t sure if it wants Roger Goodell to lose his job

Myriad polls, pundits and players have spoken up about Roger Goodell’s handling of recent domestic violence cases, but no consensus has been reached on whether he should keep his job. [...]

Team Super Bowlen raises nearly $70,000 for Alzheimer’s in walk

As Annabel Bowlen and her children were about to start their Walk to End Alzheimer’s event at City Park this morning, they chanted as one: “This one’s for Pat.” [...]

WATCH: Joe Ellis talks Pat Bowlen, Broncos’ camp, more on The Press Box

The Broncos president and now CEO, Joe Ellis, joined The Press Box on Day 2 of training camp Friday to give his thoughts on Pat Bowlen’s resignation, the team’s new training facility and much more. [...]

Peyton Manning “honored to be the quarterback for Mr. Bowlen’s team”

Peyton Manning said at training camp Thursday that he has always enjoyed his time with Pat Bowlen and that the Broncos’ owner has supported him plenty throughout his NFL career. [...]

Ralph Wilson, a founding AFL father, dies at 95

Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson died Tuesday at his home. He was 95. [...]