Boulder County

FairBoulder, CO, US
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January 2015
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Lightning Strike Boulder Reservoir and Coot Lake

Colorado evening lightning thunderstorm rolls in with a massive lightning bolt striking near the Boulder Reservoir and Coot Lake making for a great light show. Boulder Colorado, Boulder County. Colorado Fine art lightning nature landscape weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images… [...] [...]

American Storm Lightning Striking Near USA Flag

Lightning Striking Near an American Flag. Vertical image original shot on film. Fine art nature landscape lightning weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images [...] [...]

Lightning Striking Over Coot Lake and Boulder Reservoir

Scenic view of lightning striking over the Boulder Reservoir and Coot lake in the evening sky with city lights. Boulder Colorado, Boulder County. Boulder Reservoir is a 700-acre, multi-use recreation and water-storage facility, owned and managed by the City of Boulder and operated as a water supply by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District. [...] [...]

Boulder Colorado Lightning Strike

There is nothing like summer in Boulder Colorado where the mornings are beautiful and the late afternoon thunderstorms roll in and cool things down. This is a scenic view from Boulder County open space looking south to the Flatirons in Boulder with lightning striking on the ridge south of the city. [...] [...]

McIntosh Farm Lightning Thunderstorm Black and White

Lohr-McIntosh farm Agricultural Heritage Center, homestead in 1868 on Boulder County open space in northwest Longmont Colorado. The Barn, Silo, Windmill and cattle run with a lightning monsoon thunderstorm striking over head. [...] [...]

Lightning Strikes Next to Highway Panorama

Panorama scenic view of a highway over pass with cars buzzing by making for nice car light trails and a lightning thunderstorm putting on a nice show. Boulder Colorado, foothills parkway. Boulder County. Colorado [...] [...]

Lightning On The Horizon Of Oil Fields

Lightning striking on the Colorado Plains with a panorama scenic view of a oil well pump jack. Weld County, Colorado. Colorado Fine art nature landscape weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images by storm chaser James Bo Insogna aka The Lightning Man [...] [...]

Natures Avenging Spirit

Colorado evening lightning thunderstorm natures avenging spirit striking the country plains. Colorado Fine art nature landscape photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images … [...] [...]

Natures Light Show Over The Boulder Reservoir

A scenic overlook view from highway 36, of a massive lightning thunderstorm over the Boulder Colorado Reservoir and Coot lake behind it. Fireworks may be banned because of the fire ban, but there is nothing like nature putting on a great light show especially on this evening. [...] [...]

Lightning Bolting Across The Sky BWSC

A view from Union Reservoir in Longmont Colorado looking south east to Lightning Bolts going across the sky making for a great light show. Black and white with selective coloring. Colorado Fine art nature landscape weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images [...] [...]