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Sunflower close up on a black background. Three quarter shot. Sunflower fact: The default direction of the sunflower head will be to point east towards sunrise. During the day motor cells in the sunflower stem tilt the flower bud to try to receive a maximum amount of sunlight. By evening, the sunflower head is pointing west, towards sunset (the location of the sun on the horizon just before it is no longer visible.) This causes the sunflower to basically trace a 180 degree arc, tracking the sun's position throughout the day, from horizon to horizon, sunrise to sunset. Overnight, the sunflower will reset to its original eastward positioning and wait for the morning, ready to follow the sun's path once again.Fine art sunflower photography prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, greeting cards and stock images by By James Bo Insogna (C) – All Rights Reserved. 303-834-2524 *PLEASE NOTE, WATERMARKS WILL NOT BE ON THE PURCHASE PRINTS*
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