Colorful thunderstorm thunderhead lit up with lightning bolts striking in Boulder County Colorado. Sepia version. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Long Lightning Bolt Across American Oil Well Country Sky
Long run lightning bolt soaring across the sky with oil well pump jack and two communication towers. USA American flag patriotic background. Part of the America The Beautiful Fine Art Photography Series at Fine Art Photography Gallery. […]
Thunderstorm Thunderhead Boulder County Colorado
Colorful thunderstorm thunderhead lit up with lightning bolts striking in east Boulder County Colorado. Not all lightning forms in the negatively charged area low in the thunderstorm cloud. Some lightning originates in the top of the thunderstorm, […]
Read the rest of this entry »Lightning and Rain Over Colorado Rocky Mountain Foothills
Lightning with rain coming down over the front range of the Colorado Rocky Mountain foothills, this is a view from McIntosh Lake in Longmont, looking center right at the hidden Twin Peaks, Mt Meeker and Longs Peak covered in clouds. I Started watching the storm as it was hitting behind the foothills in the high country early in the evening. […]
Read the rest of this entry »I25 Intra-Cloud Lightning Strikes
Intra-Cloud Lightning lighting up the night sky. This storm got me out the door and on to this chase waiting for it to bust out of the clouds . […]
Read the rest of this entry »25 to 34 Intra-Cloud Lightning Golden Light Car Trails
An Intra-Cloud Lightning storm lighting up the night sky. This storm got me out the door and on to this chase waiting for it to bust out of the clouds but that never happened. So in looking for something interesting to photograph with this storm I landed at out side of Mead Colorado on Highway 34 with a view of I-25 with golden light from the city lights and purple lit up intra-lightning clouds making for a colorful image. Intra-cloud lightning is by far the most common type and my least favorite to photograph. […]
Read the rest of this entry »25 to 34 Intra-Cloud Lightning Thunderstorm
Intra-Cloud Lightning thunderstorm lighting up the night sky. This storm got me out the door and on to this chase waiting for it to bust out of the clouds but that never happened at least how I saw in in my mind … […]
Read the rest of this entry »Lightning Goes Boom In The Middle Of The Night
Thunder and lightning goes boom in the middle of the night, Colorado lightning thunderstorm. Boulder County. Fine art nature landscape lightning weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images by storm chaser James Bo Insogna aka The Lightning Man […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oil Well Pumpjack Thunderstorm Panorama
Eastern plains of the Rocky Mountain front range in Weld County, Colorado, view of a pumpjack near the town of Dacona with a massive lightning thunderstorm striking. Panorama crop. Colorado Fine art nature landscape lightning weather photography poster prints, decorative canvas prints, acrylic prints, metal prints, corporate artwork, greeting cards and stock images by storm […]
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